Wednesday, August 24, 2011


My first vacation at Good Samaritan Hospital (July 6 - July 11)

My second vacation at Good Samaritan Hospital in the private butterfly room
(August 1 - August 23)
I am 26 weeks in this picture. 
Who needs Hilton Head when you have Good Sam? 

I was hospitalized in July (at 21 weeks) because of a shortened cervix. (Minor contractions caused my cervix to decrease in length.)  Being hospitalized allowed the doctors to closely monitor me as well as calm my uterus/contractions through medicine.  After three weeks at home on strict bed rest, I was sent back to the hospital on August 1 (at 25 weeks) because my cervix had significantly decreased in length and I was experiencing a lot more contractions.  Again, I was closely monitored and medicated to calm my uterus.  My stay in August was much longer because the doctors felt more comfortable sending me home at 28 weeks when the baby's survival rate increased.

Thank you to all of my family and friends who emailed, sent cards and flowers, called, and visited while I was in the hospital.  These acts of kindness not only helped pass the time, but made me feel loved and helped me keep a positive attitude.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Because my pregnancy has been everything but boring and we assume parenthood will follow suit, Sean and I decided to start this blog to keep our family and friends informed of this joyful time in our lives.  We hope you enjoy reading about our experiences as much as we enjoyed living them!      

The sex of the baby still remains a surprise even though we have had many ultrasounds (13 to be exact).  To prevent from referring to the baby as "it" or "he" as we often found ourselves doing, Sean and I decided to nickname him/her CG.  CG stands for Colin Grace, which are the boy and girl names we have chosen for the baby.